RED OAK GROVE REPORTER – Issue No. V, April 2010
Issue No. 5 April 2010
Church and Cemetery on National Register
May 16:
The fourth annual Red Oak Grove Reunion and 119th Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, May 16, at the church. The traditional schedule will be followed: an 11:00 a.m. service, a noon potluck dinner, and the 1:00 p.m. meeting. Pastor Ron Lashmit, State Representative Jeff Kauffman, and organist Mary Barnum will conduct the service. Singer Dan Boddicker will perform special music. Mr. Kauffman is from
This occasion is especially meaningful to persons, whose forebears belonged to the church or are buried in the cemetery. However, anyone interested is welcome.
Proposal for cemetery kiosk
A proposal to place an informational kiosk in Red Oak Grove Cemetery will be introduced at the Cemetery Board meeting May 6 by President Bob Rickard. Cemetery maps, a listing of graves and lots, and other information about the church and cemetery would be displayed on the kiosk. If the Board approves, the proposal will be on the May 16 Annual Meeting agenda.
The kiosk would feature two brick pillars,
RED OAK GROVE REPORTER. – April 2010 – Page 2
A glimpse of history: 1920
Ninety years ago this spring or summer, ground was broken for the current
"Work on the new Presbyterian church in the Red Oak Grove settlement is progressing nicely. The community of Red Grove (sic) is .a progressive one, as the new church is bearing out this fact. The structure … will be the finest country church to be found anywhere.
"Red Oak Grove … is in the heart of a beautiful piece of country… The funds for the erection of the church were raised by the members of the church and the people of the community in general. It will always remain a monument to the progressiveness of Red Oak Grove."
4 Red Oak Grove was named by the pioneers, who found many red oak trees mi the area. This tree can grow up to 80 feet tall, with a trunk diameter of 2 to 4 feet. Its acorns are eaten by deer, bears, raccoons, squirrels, turkeys, ducks, quail, and several kinds of smaller birds. (Readers Digest “North American Wildlife", Copyright 1982)
4 History needs maintaining. Donations of any amount are always welcome and needed for the care and preservation of
DOING GENEALOGY? Be sure to check the Red Oak Grove website, Lots of information, and some great-photos, too!
Do you have comments, ideas, or suggestions? Do you know someone, who would like to
receive the Red Oak Grove Reporter? Contact Bob Rickard, Board president,
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